# Installation
composer require webleit/zohocrmapi
In order to use the library, just require the composer autoload file, and then fire up the library itself.
# Authentication
For the library to work, you need to be authenticated with the zoho crm apis.
Here is a basic example on how to initialize the library.
See https://github.com/Weble/ZohoClient (opens new window) for more details on the various authentication types
require './vendor/autoload.php';
// setup the generic zoho oath client
$oAuthClient = new \Weble\ZohoClient\OAuthClient('[CLIENT_ID]', '[CLIENT_SECRET]');
// setup the zoho crm client
$client = new \Webleit\ZohoCrmApi\Client($oAuthClient);
// Create the main class
$zohoCrm = new \Webleit\ZohoCrmApi\ZohoCrm($client);